The Best Sources of Iron: Top 10 Foods Every Woman Should Include to Combat Anemia
Are you attaining enough iron daily?
Most of us probably do not consume enough iron. Even if we are consuming a proper diet but still lack iron, that means our body is not attaining the proper set of nutrients. The chances that our body requires iron to develop are very minimal. Also, Iron can help prevent anaemia and protect our bodies from several diseases. Moreover, these foods for anemia are high in iron which includes heme iron that is found in non-heme iron found in plants. Furthermore, there are various iron-rich foods through which you can attain all the essential vitamins and minerals. Let’s find out more details about the importance of iron in our diet.
Why is Iron Crucial?
Iron is essential for our body and carries bodily functions such as oxygen transport and boosting the immune system. From low-carb to plant-based, there are many iron-rich foods available. However, Iron deficiency has become one of the most common nutritional deficiencies, especially among children and adults.
Top 10 Iron-Rich Foods for Women
Iron is a vital mineral that the body requires to function properly and adding iron-rich foods to your diet will prevent iron deficiency anemia. There are some of the iron-rich fruits and vegetables are:
1) Lentils
Lentils are low in fat and cholesterol, which makes them an ideal choice for maintaining a healthy weight and heart. Also, they promote cardiovascular health and support weight management.
2) Spinach
Spinach is a superfood that is not only packed with essential minerals and vitamins but also a rich source of iron. It is well known to enhance your energy levels.
3) Chickpeas
Chickpeas are high in protein, fibre, and various minerals and vitamins. They can aid in weight management and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.
4) Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds are not only a tasty snack, but they are also packed with a blend of nutrients. Furthermore, these seeds are high in protein and packed with antioxidants that improve your overall health.
5) Tofu
Made from soybeans, Tofu is a staple in several vegan diets. This plant-based source is not only rich in iron but also fulfills your body with other esse such as magnesium, calcium, and protein.
6) Quinoa
Quinoa is a protein that encompasses all the nine essential amino acids. It is high in fiber, and it promotes satiety. Being high in antioxidants, quinoa is a great source of phosphorus, manganese, and magnesium.
7) Dark Chocolate
Dark Chocolate is a delicious treat and is an iron rich food. There are various health benefits of dark chocolate that are:
Heart-healthy properties
Mood Booster
Rich in antioxidants
8) Red Meat
Red Meat contains a type of iron, which is also known as heme iron, the body easily absorbs that.
9) Oysters
Oysters are packed with several nutrients other than iron which includes copper, zinc, Vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids. Consuming oysters will enhance your immune system and improve heart health.
10) Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds are small in size but they are a pack of powerful punch when it comes to the iron content. Also, they are the perfect source of fibre and magnesium, which makes them the perfect choice for promoting digestion and healthy bones.
The Benefits of Including Iron-rich Foods for Women
Women with menstrual cycles need more iron than men to maintain healthy iron levels. In addition, the requirement is increased during pregnancy and lactation. Iron supplements usually provide this additional need.
1) It boosts hair growth
Iron is as crucial as other vitamins. In hair growth, it plays an essential role that will improve the texture of your hair and reduce hair loss.
2) It supports Athletic Performance
Among the athletes, iron deficiency is common and females are at more risk of losing iron. Moreover, iron supplementation has been shown to improve athletic performance for young women. When our iron levels become low, iron deficiency can occur. Low iron levels can result in tiredness, poor concentration, and frequent bouts of illness. Iron supplements are a great way to reverse a deficiency, especially if diet changes alone aren’t working.
3) It promotes healthy pregnancy
Consuming Iron is vital for pregnant women, which is why most pregnant women are advised by their medical professionals to take supplements throughout the pregnancy.
During pregnancy, the red blood cell production enhances significantly to supply the growing fetus with nutrients and oxygens. It results in an enhanced demand for oxygen, and the body maximizes the absorption of iron during pregnancy. Moreover, insufficient iron consumption or other factors affect the way that iron can cause an iron deficiency. Low iron consumption during pregnancy enhances the risk of low birth weight or behavioural development in infants. Moreover, pregnant women with low iron will be more prone to several diseases since iron is crucial for maintaining the immune system.
4) It helps in reducing Fatigue
Iron helps in managing fatigue even in someone who is not anemic and is especially common in women during the reproductive years. Iron supplements improve fatigue and will make you feel like you have more energy.
Why Iron is Crucial for Women?
Iron is a crucial mineral and is a key component in hemoglobin that lives in your red blood cells and it transports oxygen to each cell in the body. Without sufficient iron, the body will not produce enough blood cells to transport oxygen to the cells and organs. Optimal oxygen delivery is required for normal bodily processes, which include energy, immunity, and optimal brain function. Furthermore, women can also add multivitamins with a proper diet through which they can attain all the essential nutrients.
How to absorb iron from our diet?
Iron plays a vital role in the production of oxygen, and a protein in red blood cells is responsible for carrying oxygen to several parts of the body. It also supports the immune system and the functioning of certain hormones. Moreover, adequate iron levels are essential to prevent such conditions as iron deficiency anemia which can cause symptoms such as headaches and tiredness. Iron supplementation works to restore low iron levels. It prevents complications such as anaemia and fatigue and improves cognition.
The healthy body absorbs 18% of the iron from the typical Western diet, which also includes animal foods and about 10% from the vegetarian diet. Furthermore, you may be absorbing less than that even if you are consuming a proper diet, too. Consuming iron-rich foods will lower the risk of anaemia and will improve your overall health.
Wrapping It Up
Iron is the most crucial mineral that your body requires to remain healthy. If it is left untreated then iron deficiency will progress to anemia. Some of the iron supplements are also available to treat iron deficiency. However, people without an iron deficiency will usually attain the iron they require from a diet and it is recommended to consume at least 8.7mg of iron in your diet.
Adding iron-rich foods to a balanced diet is critical for improving overall well-being.
Do remember to maintain adequate iron levels that are vital for building muscles, promoting satiety, and ensuring overall good health. Incorporating foods that are rich in vitamin C, like strawberries and citrus fruits, alongside iron-rich foods that can boost iron absorption. Making foods such as tomatoes will help the leach even more iron from the cookware.