Exploring Citrulline and Malate: Understanding the Supplement Benefits and Their Impact on Your Health

Explore potential health benefits of citrulline supplements

Exploring Citrulline and Malate: Understanding the Supplement Benefits and Their Impact on Your Health

Have you heard about Citrulline?
If not, then this blog is just for you. The developments in the fitness industry are grabbing attention worldwide. Citrulline is one of those fitness supplements that is essential for every fitness enthusiast and has potential health benefits too. It helps in enhancing physical performance, supporting metabolic health, and many more. Furthermore, various benefits of citrulline should be incorporated by every fitness enthusiast in their fitness regime. Let’s look more about citrulline and its benefits:

Citrulline Uses: For an Enhanced Physical Performance

Citrulline is one of the three dietary amino acids that will increase plasma levels of arginine and improve the ammonia recycling process. Moreover, citrulline will be useful in situations in which nitric oxide is relevant, like athletic performance and vascular health. However some foods have useful amounts of citrulline, but watermelon is a notable exception. The common forms of citrulline are L-citrulline and Citrulline Malate. The synthesis of citrulline primarily occurs in the enterocytes of the small intestine through enzymatic reactions of two other amino acids, proline and glutamine. Once it is formed, citrulline is involved in several metabolic pathways. Along with citrulline, you can consume Whey protein and pre workout that will help in improving your athletic performance for a heavy workout. 

What makes L-Citrulline the best supplement?

L-citrulline is a famous health supplement. It is an amino acid that naturally occurs in the body and is recognized for its numerous health benefits. Moreover, it is consumed through several foods and will be taken as a supplement. This amino acid will alleviate several health problems, but the question arises: how exactly can you use it, and how often should you consume it? It is famous as it converts into nitric oxide and L-arginine which will expand the arteries and will help in assisting with the blood flow. 

L-Citrulline vs Citrulline Malate

The two most common forms of citrulline are L-citrulline and Citrulline Malate, but the main question is, what's the difference? L-Citrulline is well known for enhancing nitric oxide production in the body. In contrast, Citrulline Malate is the blend of Malic acid and L-Citrulline that is believed to enhance absorption rates and bioavailability. Let’s see how they work.

Top Health Benefits of L-Citrulline

Several studies have found that there are many benefits of L-Citrulline, basically in the context of boosting exercise performance and heart health. For instance, L-citrulline will increase blood flow by enhancing nitric acid production, which will enhance exercise performance and contribute to overall wellness. Let’s look at some of the benefits of L-Citrulline:

1) It will enhance exercise performance

Many fitness enthusiasts already know about L-citruline’s potency in enhancing exercise performance. It will also help in delaying the onset of muscle fatigue.

2) Boost Exercise Performance

Professional Athletes already know about L-Citrulline potency in enhancing exercise performance. It boosts energy to perform more intense workouts.

3) Enhances Cardiovascular Functions

Consuming L-Citrulline daily will reduce high blood pressure by promoting the relaxation of the blood vessels, which is a crucial factor in maintaining heart health. It helps in reducing blood pressure levels.

4) It improves Muscle Recovery

L-Citrulline will prevent you from training for days. Moreover, L-Citrulline will help in accelerating post-exercise muscle recovery. It also helps in reducing muscle soreness.

5) It maintains lean body mass

L-Citrulline supplement protects skeletal muscle tissue, and it directs part of your body’s energy towards muscle-building.

6) It reduces blood pressure

Citrulline helps reduce blood pressure by converting citrulline to arginine in the body. It enhances blood flow, which maintains blood pressure.

7) Is Citrulline safe for consumption?

L-citrulline has no side effects and it is vital to be aware of some potential issues that will arise. It is recommended to consume L-citrulline with food that will further alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort. 

How does Citrulline work?

Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid. Once ingested, the body converts citrulline into arginine in the kidneys. After that, arginine converts into nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels and improves circulation. Moreover, excess citrulline will eventually be broken down by the liver. 

However, citrulline is a non-protein amino acid and it will help reduce the risk of sarcopenia, as well as among the athletes. Citrulline, together with ornithine and arginine, participates in the urea cycle, which is responsible for the excretion from the body. According to the latest scientific research, the metabolic effects of citrulline suggest that the compound will provide support for diabetes that contributes to the reduction of circulating glucose and free fatty acids. However, citrulline may also enhance beta-oxidation and lipolysis. However, citrulline does not affect the performance among the athletes.

What is the main difference between L-Citrulline and Citrulline Malate?

The main answer is no, citrulline malate and creatine are not the same, these supplements are most commonly used with each other. Also, citrulline malate benefits include an enhanced energy boost, but it goes far beyond dehydration. 

Wrapping It Up

Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid that is found in foods such as watermelon and supplement forms. Moreover, there has been a lot of interest in citrulline supplementation 

for improved athletic performance. However, Citrulline Malate is a perfect ingredient to use as a pre-workout supplement as it is shown to enhance intense muscle pumps and reduce recovery time. It works by turning into L-Arginine in your kidneys and by leading to widened blood vessels. Furthermore, with several health benefits of citrulline, you will be able to improve your health.


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