Diabetes Diet Food Chart Plan - Best Indian Diabetic Meal Chart

Diabetes Diet Food Chart Plan - Best Indian Diabetic Meal Chart

Diabetic Food Chart And Diabetic Diet Plan: A Nutritious Indian Meal Technique For Diabetic Patients

Are you facing difficulties in controlling your diabetes with the help of a food diet? Would you like a step-by-step guide on how you can have a balanced diet and come up with a diabetic meal plan? If so, then you are in the right place. Now, in the next blog, let’s look at the Indian diabetic food chart in detail including the lists of foods to be included, tips on how to plan the meals, and dos and don'ts for diabetic management.

Understanding Diabetes

Diabetes is a health complication that is prevalent globally with no known permanent cure. It is a disease in which the body cannot produce enough insulin or the insulin is unable to function well hence leading to high levels of sugar in the blood. There are two main types of diabetes: these being the type 1 and the type 2.

Type 1 diabetes is characterized by the destruction of the beta cells in the pancreas by the body’s immune system. Type 2 diabetes meal plan, on the other hand, involves the patient’s body not being able to respond effectively to specific hormones, specifically insulin, and thus results in high blood sugar levels.

Dietary Measures In Diabetes Mellitus

Diet is an essential part of the life of a diabetic patient since it significantly affects the condition. It is therefore important to plan your diabetic diet plan correctly to control the sugar level, minimize complications, and enhance your health. The fundamental principle of diet for diabetic patients, therefore, lies in the proper rationing and proportioning of carbohydrate, protein, and fat intake so as to deliver the nutrients that the body requires without the insulin-challenging load of glucose.

Best Indian Diabetic Food Chart

  • Breakfast

Regardless of diabetes, the first meal that one takes in the morning affects the rest of the day’s metabolism and energy levels. It is that meal that has to provide energy for the day’s activities throughout the day. Here are some breakfast options for a diabetic meal plan:

  • Vegetable Oats Upma: Oats cooked with vegetables and low-fat milk in a cup, can be a perfect breakfast meal. The fiber content of this meal is very high and you will not feel hungry for the next couple of hours.
  • Scrambled Egg Whites with Spinach: An oily fish and mixed salad garnished with spinach make up the proteins, while scrambled egg whites with whole-grain toast make up the low glycemic index food to control blood sugar levels.
  • Upma or Oatmeal: Upma or oatmeal; half a bowl of sprouted grains; 100ml cream-free milk without sugar is good to have in the morning.
  • Mid-Meal

This is because; to ensure that the blood sugar levels are maintained, mid-meal snacks should be taken. Here are some mid-meal options for your diabetic diet plan:

  • Plane: Cutting a plane or a mixture of lentils and rice is very appropriate for snacking, through which, it will help control the level of sugar.
  • Boiled Chana: Boiled chana is a good source of protein and it is recommended to control the sugar level in the blood.
  • Lunch

The lunch has to be a fulfilling meal that holds one for the rest of the day's activity without necessarily having to rush for snacks in between meal times. Here are some lunch options for a diabetic meal plan:

  • Rice with Soya Chunk Curry and Ladies Finger Sabji: Soya chunk curry and ladies' finger sabji with a cup of rice 
  • Roti with Ridge Gourd Sabji: Ridge gourd sabji with two raotis is quite satiating and can be counted as a healthy lunch menu.
  • Evening Snack

Diabetes means a person can have the same sugar spike from evening snacks as from a heavy meal, which makes evening snacks crucial. Here are some evening snack options for your diabetic food chart:

  • Fruit: This is why a portion of fruit, for example,  an apple or a pear, is suitable for consumption when one wants to prevent their blood sugar levels from rising.
  • Green Beans Sabji: Green beans Sabji is a fiber-containing food that is beneficial to lower blood sugar levels in a cup.
  • Dinner

Eating habits also have to be well thought out as dinner should be a meal that will sustain the person throughout the night. Here are some dinner options for a diabetic diet plan:

  • Broken Wheat Upma with Green Beans Sabji: Half cup of green beans Sabji accompanied with upma made up of broken wheat and half a cup can be consumed as dinner.
  • Wheat Dosa with Green Bean Sabji: A wheat dosa accompanied by half a cup of green bean sabji can be quite filling as a dinner meal since the meal is highly protein-packed.

Basic Foods to Eat When Diabetic

  • Vegetables

  • Starchy Vegetables: This type of crop contains carbohydrates and fiber in significant amounts and diabetic patients are advised to consume corn, green peas, and other starchy vegetables.
  • Non-Starchy Vegetables: Although technically classified as starchy vegetables these vegetables are very low in carbs, they contain a lot of fiber and are suitable for diabetic patients.
  • Fruits

  • Low-Glycemic Index Fruits: Some of the types of fruits that are allowed for diabetics are oranges, berries, apples, and any other fruits that are low glycemic index fruits in that they do not raise the levels of blood sugar.
  • High-Fiber Fruits: Good fruits such as custard apples, pears, and many others that are rich in fiber are suitable for diabetics since they regain the balance of blood sugar.
  • Grains

  • Whole Grains: Together with noodles, cereal, brown rice, oats, semolina, and whole wheat contain carbohydrates that do not cause a spike in the blood sugar level due to fiber content.
  • Millets: Food products such as ragi, quinoa, and others are some examples of food items with low glycemic index and contain high fiber which is highly essential for those with a high blood sugar level.
  • Proteins

  • Fish: Some of the fish that are a source of omega-3 fatty acids include salmon and tuna, and assist in stabilizing blood glucose levels.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Foods such as walnuts, almonds, pistachios, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, and chia seeds are best because they have good protein, fiber content, and omega-3 acids which are favorable to diabetic patients.
  • Dairy

Milk and Milk Products: Cals per serving:

  • Low-fat milk: 102
  • cheese: 114
  • yogurts: 103

These items are low-fat and calcium-enriched and do not raise blood sugar levels.


  • Fruits and Vegetables: Food should be balanced with the necessary vitamins and minerals that we take from fruits and vegetables.
  • Whole Grains: Include grains such as brown rice, oats, and wholemeal bread and foods for fiber as well as stable blood sugar.
  • Proteins: USDA recommends that one should incorporate fish, nuts, and seeds in one's diet since they have a low glycemic index in order to control blood sugar levels.
  • Dairy: Consuming low-fat dairy products such as dairy milk, cheese, and yogurt is beneficial in completing calcium and is effective in the control of blood sugar levels.


  • Trans-Fats: Also, stay away from trans-fats that are present in fried foods and most of the processed snacks.
  • Processed Sugars: Refrain from intakes of processed sugars which include sweet dishes, cakes, pastries, chocolates, and other related delicacies.
  • Sugary Drinks: But for those drinks that contain added sugars this includes regular soda, sports, and energy drinks.
  • White Flour: Eliminate all products containing white flour and go for whole grain products instead.


Diabetic diet plans can also be managed through healthy and proper dieting regimes to enhance the quality of the meals provided. The best Indian diabetic meal plan for diabetic persons incorporates various types of foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, proteins/ lean meats/nuts, and low-fat dairy products. Thus, by adopting the described meal plan and eliminating foods rich in trans-fats, processed sugars, and white flour, diabetics can control blood sugars and enhance their well-being. Each person’s needs are unique, so it is critical to seek advice from a physician or registered dietitian to devise an optimal eating plan. A 7 Day meal plan for prediabetes or a prediabetes diet plan can also be beneficial for those, who are on the verge of risk of developing diabetes. Diabetes is manageable with the help of diet and medical check-ups hence diabetics can live a normal life.


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