Plant Sterols and Stanols: Naturally Lowering Cholesterol Levels

Plant Sterols and Stanols: Naturally Lowering Cholesterol Levels

Plant Sterols For Cholesterol Reduction and Effects of Stanols: -

Diets that include plant sterols and stanols are useful in reducing cholesterol. Use of plant sterols for cholesterol reduction are backed by several clinical research. An average person consumes around 200-400 mg of sterols and stanols through his diet daily. But this amount is too low to show any significant cholesterol-lowering effect. Therefore, foods with plant sterols and stanols are added to dairy based products like milk, yogurt, etc  to increase its amount up to required levels. Besides, several supplements with plant sterols and stanols are available in the market for the consumers.

What is the Mechanism of plant sterols for Cholesterol Reduction: -

The use of plant sterols for cholesterol lowering is supposed to work due to its cholesterol-like cell structure. Not only structure, it is very similar to cholesterol in chemical reactions too. Therefore, it competes with cholesterol  for absorption by our digestive system. Due to this competition, a lot of cholesterol remains undigested that our body removes as waste. As a result, it shows cholesterol-lowering effects.

How to fulfill Daily Requirement of Plant Sterols and Stanols: -

As per recommendation of the National Cholesterol Education Program, daily intake of plant sterols and stanols should be between 2g to 3g. There are plenty of naturally found foods with plant sterols and stanols. However, no food contains enough of these substances to reduce cholesterol significantly. Therefore, one should add other supplements in their diet to increase their sterols and stanols intake to keep their cholesterol level in control.

You can find plant sterols in many plants, including vegetables, fruits and whole grains. They are also found in beans, sunflower seeds and other vegetable oils. The plant foods don't contain enough plant sterols for a significant decrease in LDL cholesterol. However, plant sterols are able to lower LDL cholesterol. High LDL-C increases your risk of developing heart disease. To lower your LDL, you can choose foods containing plant sterols or stanols as well as cholesterol-lowering supplements.

What is the amount of plant sterols or stanols that will lower my cholesterol levels?

You can lower your LDL by up to 12% if you consume at least 2 grams of plant sterols (2000-3000mg) each day. You can get the recommended 2-3 grams per day by eating foods that are supplemented with plant sterols or stanols, and/or taking plant sterols. You should eat foods containing plant sterols, stanols, and/or supplements at least twice a day. Plant sterols, stanols, and other dietary supplements can lower cholesterol levels by reducing how much is absorbed through your intestines.

Tips for Choosing Foods and Supplements With Plant Sterols and Stanols: -

Food: - Check the food label to see how much plant sterols or stanols it contains. Foods containing plant sterols or stanols will have the same amount of calories as other foods. Make sure you include these calories as part of your daily diet plan to avoid adding too many calories.

Supplements: - Not all cholesterol-lowering supplements containing plant sterol or stanol are the same. You can find out from the label how many pills to take each day to achieve 2- 3 grams (2 000-3000 mg). You can ensure that the nutrition supplement you are buying is of high quality by looking for the USP (Unique Standard Product) label.

What other things should I consider when consuming plant-based sterols or stanols?

  1. Some vitamins may be less absorbable if you consume plant sterols or stanols. Eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruits each day. These include spinach, kale and carrots.
  1. No benefit is gained by consuming more than 3 grams per day of plant sterols or stanols.
  1. Add together plant sterols, stanols and cholesterol-lowering supplements in order to obtain 2-3 grams of plant steroids
  1. You can lower your LDL cholesterol by talking to your registered dietitian nutritionist about foods that contain plant sterols.

Benefits of Foods with Plant Sterols and Stanols: -

  • Lower LDL Cholesterol: When consumed in sufficient amounts, can reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol by as much as 12%.
  • Natural compounds: Packed full of plant-based foods that offer natural strategies for cholesterol management, these natural compounds offer a natural approach.
  • Heart Health: By lowering LDL cholesterol levels, individuals may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Non-Pharmaceutical Strategies: Consider adding diet supplements as an additional strategy for cholesterol reduction.
  • Minimal side effects: Consumed in recommended doses, it usually causes no adverse side effects.
  • Versatile Consumption: Can easily be integrated into diet via fortified foods or supplements.
  • Research-backed: Their cholesterol-reducing benefits have been demonstrated through clinical research studies.
  • Potentially Enhance Existing Therapies: Used alongside other cholesterol-lowering strategies for additional effect.

Bottom Line: -

Simply put, use of plant sterols for cholesterol reduction offer an effective natural method to fight hypercholesterolemia. Similarly, use of plant stanols for high cholesterol cure is also quite popular. These compounds work by competing against cholesterol in your digestive tract for absorption. Foods with plant sterols and stanol do not have enough natural concentration to impact cholesterol levels effectively. Therefore, fortified foods or supplements with plant sterols become necessary sometimes to meet recommended daily dosage of these substances.


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