10-Minute Ab Workouts: Quick and Effective Routines for Men and Women

Ab Workouts

Track and field, football, and climbing all require a high degree of core strength, as do more mundane actions like sitting, standing, and walking erect. Ab workout exercises protect the spine, which is important for staying healthy.

Which Muscles Does This Ab Workout Target?

The hip flexors and anterior deltoids are secondary muscles that benefit from this ab workout routine alongside the primary targets—the rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques, and transverse abdominis.

10 Minute Ab Workout

Here are some ab workouts for women and ab workouts for men:

Hollow Body

Hold A gymnastic core exercise that works the entire core is the hollow body hold. Many people do this to get better at handstands, pull-ups, and general body control.

In order to carry out these steps:

  • Start by lying on your back with your arms stretched overhead and your legs extended, and your toes pointing.
  • Use your abs and hamstrings to perform a posterior pelvic tilt. The back has to be touching the floor.
  • Maintain a tight core and lift your legs about a third of the way off the ground. Don't move for the next 30 seconds.

Lying Knee Raises

Many people find it particularly difficult to develop their lower abs, and this workout specifically targets that area. The lying knee raises tutorial has further information on this exercise and its variations.

In order to carry out these steps:

  • Start by bringing your feet together and pointing your toes as you lie on your back. Flatten your lower back to the ground by placing your palms beneath your butts and activating your glutes and core muscles.
  • Lift your toes two to three inches off the floor and get your knees near your chest. Hold your core in tight and your legs together. Legs outstretched, ready to go.
  • That will be your 30th repetition.

Flutter Kicks

Lower abdominal and hip flexors can receive a good workout with flutter kicks. By mimicking a swimmer's leg motion, you can burn fat all over your body. Check out the flutter kicks guide for more information on this fun and versatile dance move.

In order to carry out these steps:

  • Reach on your back with your legs going to your chest and your toes pointing.
  • Put your palms under your butts, tighten your abdominal muscles, and squeeze your glutes to flatten your lower back against the floor.
  • To accomplish the flutter step, stand with your feet together and your toes pointing.
  • Raise one leg about two to three inches higher than the other.
  • That will be your 30th repetition.


The sit-up is a time-honoured abdominal exercise that targets and strengthens the upper abs.

In order to carry out these steps:

  • Laying down flat on the ground with your knees bent and feet touching each other. Your arms are at your flank, and your hands rest softly on your temples or ears.
  • Pull your abs and get your chest up to your knees. Maintain your feet together and your hands at your temple.
  • Move to the initial position slowly.

Russian Twists

The obliques are strengthened with ease with the Russian twist, a simple core workout that involves twisting the body repeatedly. Shoulders can also be strengthened by doing this exercise while carrying weights. The Russian Twists tutorial will teach you the basic move as well as some advanced versions.

In order to carry out these steps:

  • Place your feet together and sit on the bottom with your knees bent. Put your torso at a 45-degree angle by leaning back slightly. Raise your toes about a half-inch or an inch above the floor.
  • Join your hands in the middle of your body by interlacing your fingers. Maintain a firm midsection.
  • Engage your abs to turn your torso to the right, then back to the middle, and ultimately to the left.

Lying Knee Raises

Many people find it particularly difficult to develop their lower abs, and this workout specifically targets that area.

In order to carry out these steps:

  • Start by bringing your feet together and pointing your toes as you lie on your back. Flatten your lower back to the ground by placing your palms beneath your butts and activating your glutes and core muscles.
  • Lift your toes two to three inches off the floor and get your knees near your chest. Hold your core in tight and your legs together. Legs outstretched, ready to go.

Side Plank

One side of the body at a time is targeted by the side plank, making it a unilateral core exercise. The obliques are the primary focus. Six distinct plank variations are described in the plank guide.

In order to carry out these steps:

  • Start by propping yourself up on one forearm while lying on your side with your feet together, and your shoulders piled precisely on top of your elbow.
  • To achieve a straight line from head to heel, you must engage your core and lift your hips off the floor.
  • Keep your hip from sinking to the floor while you hold this position.
  • Tend to this for a full minute on each side.

Plank on Elbows

Building strength and stability from the core is a breeze with the elbow plank. The plank tutorial provides in-depth information regarding this exercise.

In order to carry out these steps:

  • Begin by propping yourself up on your forearms and knees, with your shoulders positioned above your elbows. You've got your palms down here on the floor.
  • Extend your legs and contract your abs to lift your hips.
  • Don't move for the next 30 seconds.

Bicycle Crunches

The obliques, upper abs, lower abs, and middle abs are all strengthened by this workout. It's a fantastic way to get your abdominal muscles working as a unit.

In order to carry out these steps:

  • Get started by pressing your lower back firmly into the ground as you lie face up. Your arms are at your sides, your elbows are bent, and your fingers are interlaced behind your head.
  • While keeping your left leg straight, twist your upper body to the right until your left elbow meets your right knee.
  • This movement requires strong abs. That's one repetition.
  • Come back to square one and try it from the other side. Do this for a full 30 seconds.

Is It Possible to Get a Good Ab Workout in a Short Amount of Time?

Indeed, that is possible. Abdominal muscles function similarly to other muscle groups. Having the right nutrition, sticking to a decent beginner ab workout, and working out regularly will do wonders. In sports where great muscle endurance is valued, spending minutes to hours doing crunches may be beneficial, but it does nothing for noticeable abs.


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