The Mountain Climber Exercise: A Complete Guide for Beginners

Mountain Climber Exercise

Enhancing your form is one way to grow into a better runner. You'll require more than log miles to accomplish this. Strength training comes into play. Mountain climbers, in particular, can assist you in developing a strong and sturdy core, which can enhance your running power, effectiveness, and posture. In reality, mountain climber exercises use almost their entire bodies and significantly increase their heart rates. For a simple and efficient morning workout, you may do mountain climbers abs workout anywhere: at home, in the gym, while travelling, or even at work. Although the standard program is ideal for beginners, more experienced athletes can increase the difficulty by trying out alternate variations.

What is a Mountain Climber Workout?

Mountain climbers for beginners are a form of healthy recreation that can be attributed to various factors. Perform the activity as quickly as possible to incorporate some low-impact cardio into your training. When you run at a slower pace, you are more likely to use your core and hip flexors, two key components of an effective gait. Even though many people perform a mountain climber incorrectly, learning the perfect technique is essential before you start smashing out rapid reps at your next session.

How to Do Mountain Climbers Workout (Steps Involved)

  • Get started with the typical exercise adaptation: Get into a plank position with your hands and feet touching and your body weight spread evenly between them.
  • Always maintain your hands shoulder-width apart, your back flat, your abs engaged, and your head in its right posture to ensure perfect performance of the workout.
  • To the degree that you are able, get your right knee up to your chest.
  • Put one knee out and one in, then switch your legs around.
  • Maintain a low stance with your hips and knees bent and straightened quickly. Maintain a steady pace of inhalation and exhalation on both legs when alternating.
  • When you're in the thick of things, it's easy to forget to take a breath. Don't forget to take some deep breaths.

The Mountain Climber Exercise Benefits

  • Mountain climbing training effectively improves cardiovascular health.
  • You can strengthen your core and target your hip flexors with this move, which could improve your running form.
  • The plank position is an excellent way to strengthen your core and train your body to adopt the upright, efficient posture necessary for effective running.
  • Your muscles will have to function much harder if you slow down during the workout.
  • Experts recommend that patients perform slow mountain climbers for 20 seconds, quick mountain climbers for 20 seconds, and rest in between each set. Climbing mountains has a profoundly positive effect on one's cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility, and agility.
  • Doing mountain climber exercise is like working every muscle in your body at once. Your quadriceps will get a solid workout when you're the one performing the guiding.
  • As a bonus, your heart will benefit, and you'll trim down thanks to cardiovascular exercise.

Multiple Variations of Mountain Climber Exercises

Cross-Body Mountain Climber

Put your hands directly under your shoulders, and then tighten your abs until your body forms a straight line from your head to your toes in a high plank.

Get your right knee towards your left elbow, and you will be able to straighten up similarly.

To revert to the starting posture, bring the left knee near the right elbow.

Continue switching.

Mountain Climber With Exercise Ball

To do a high plank workout, rest your elbows on top of the exercise ball while maintaining your core tight. Uphold a straight line with your head and heels.

Change the movement by bringing the right knee in towards the chest. Rai9se the left leg back to the onset position, with the knee touching the chest. Change legs quickly for 30 to 40 seconds.

Plank Jack to Alternating Mountain Climber

Accomplish a single jumping jack on the ground, getting your feet wide apart and then back together into a high plank posture. Get back to a high plank position after bringing the left knee near your chest. Repeat the plank jacks, then back to the high plank and get your right knee to your chest.


A high plank posture entails placing your wrists instantly beneath your shoulders and engaging your core so that your body shapes a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. After pausing to bounce both legs between your hands, come back to the initial position. Repeat.

Mountain Climbers Standing

To increase your heart rate while standing, consider bringing one knee up to your hip and then lowering yourself into a plank position.

You should practise getting your knee up to your chest and the initial position again.

Jog for 10 seconds on each side to get your heart rate up, then switch.

The slower you move, the further your stretch will be effective.

Tips for Mountain Climber Exercises

  • Keep your abs tight while doing exercise.
  • Memorise to maintain your back straight and avoid sprawling.
  • You'll need quick thinking and reflexes in this situation.
  • Try to ease into it and get to your feet close. As you get used to the workout, you can quicken up your leg movements.

When performing mountain climber exercises, it is important to keep your bottom from shooting up in the air and your palms from wandering away from their original position squarely behind your shoulders.


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