7-Day Vegan Diet Plan for Weight Loss

7-Day Vegan Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Dietician-Approved 7-Day Vegan Diet Plan For Weight Loss: - 

Eating a vegan diet can help you lose weight, especially if you replace high-fat meat and dairy foods with whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans and lentils. The recipes in this 7-Day Vegan Diet Plan for Weight Loss include naturally high protein foods like tofu, edamame and black beans.

Be sure to choose healthy cooking oils and avoid added sugars (which are listed under ingredients as glucose, fructose and sucrose). Work with a registered dietitian to ensure you are getting enough calcium, vitamin D and iron.


Getting adequate protein is important to lose weight on a vegan diet. This is because protein helps preserve lean muscle mass while promoting weight loss, and it also supplies the essential amino acids your body needs for many functions. A well-structured vegan diet provides plenty of protein from whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and fruits and vegetables.

Try a few slices of toast for breakfast today and top with almond, cashew or peanut butter (choose the lowest-sugar options). For lunch, whip up a cannellini bean, tomato and watercress salad. Add a drizzle of agave syrup to sweeten the meal.

A few high-flavour dinner options include a stir fry with sweet potato and black beans or a vegetable curry. Try adding tofu or tempeh for extra protein. Tofu and tempeh also supply omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial fats for brain function and the formation of cell membranes. You can get these fats from plant foods like walnuts, flax or chia seeds or by eating algae or seaweed.

Make sure to include some fortified plant milk, enriched cereal or nutritional yeast to help meet your vitamin B12 and D requirements on a vegan diet. These nutrients are not always naturally found in plant foods, so you may need to consume fortified products or take a supplement to ensure you're getting them.


A vegan diet eliminates animal products like dairy, eggs and meat. It’s important to do meal planning with this diet to prevent nutrient deficiencies. The meals on this vegan plan have been created to help you lose weight while still getting all the vitamins and minerals you need.

A balanced vegan diet includes whole grains, lean protein, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats. Aim for a 1/4 plate of high-fiber carbohydrates and a 1/2 plate of non-starchy vegetables. You should also include a source of protein in every meal. Protein helps build muscle, burn calories and preserves lean body mass. Protein-rich foods include beans, tofu, tempeh and soy protein.

Nuts and seeds are another source of protein, healthy fats and fiber. Use them to top salads and add crunch to snacks. Include walnuts, flaxseeds and chia seeds in your diet. You can also eat fortified plant-based foods to get vitamin B12, calcium, iron and vitamin D.

Drinking water is also important to keep you hydrated. Your fluid needs vary, depending on age, sex and activity level. If you’re unsure what your intake should be, consult with a registered dietitian.


The meal plans included in this 7-day vegan weight loss plan offer balanced carbohydrates throughout the day. Each of the meals contains 40-50 grams of carbohydrates and the optional snacks offer about 15 grams. Carbohydrates are important for energy and this meal plan offers a good balance of low-glycemic carbohydrates such as oats and pulses and high-fiber vegetables. This meal plan also includes a variety of healthy fats. This meal plan is diabetes-friendly and can be adapted to meet individual needs depending on calorie requirements and medication restrictions.

This week’s meal plan starts with a quick and easy breakfast of a couple slices of toast topped with almond, cashew or peanut butter. Then it’s on to a light lunch of a cannellini bean, tomato and watercress salad with a sprinkle of nori flakes for a hint of seafood.

For dinner, this week’s meal plan features a simple, quick and easy dish of a silken tofu scramble made with lots of mixed veggies. And for a snack, try whipping up a batch of sugar-free granola full of crunchy oats, dried fruit and nuts.

It’s important to make sure you’re getting the right amount of nutrients when following a vegan diet. For example, you may need to increase your intake of vitamin D, calcium, iron and B12. It’s a good idea to use fortified plant-based foods and/or talk to your primary care doctor about nutritional supplements if needed.


A vegan diet eliminates all foods containing meat, fish or dairy. This may increase the risk for nutrient deficiencies, but with careful meal planning and nutritional supplements, you can still lose weight. A vegan diet should include lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts. Avoid added oils, which contain calories and can hinder your weight loss efforts.

Protein is a concern when going vegan, but beans, soy, quinoa and peanuts can all be used to meet your needs. You may also want to consider consuming plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts, flaxseeds and chia seeds. These sources aren’t as good as the EPA and DHA fats found in fatty fish, but they can still help.

Choline is another nutrient to watch out for when you’re vegan. It’s essential for the brain chemical acetylcholine, liver function and cholesterol management. You can get choline from beans, nuts, soy products, green vegetables and quinoa. If you’re expecting a baby, try to consume more choline (up to 500 mg a day) as it supports the health of both mum and baby.

A registered dietitian has thoughtfully created this plan to be easy-to-follow and delicious, meeting a healthy calorie intake of 1500-1750 kcal. However, your calorie needs may be different and you should consult a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalised guidance and optimal results.


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