vegetarian meal plan for weight loss

vegetarian meal plan for weight loss

Expert Guide: Vegetarian Meal Plan For Weight Loss

There are plenty of diet plans on the internet for non-vegetarian people. But vegetarian folks don’t have much of this privilege. In the name of a vegetarian meal plan for weight loss, all they have is guesswork, scientifically unproven tips and diet plans. Here, we are to shoo away all of these issues regarding finding a meal plan for a vegetarian diet to lose weight. In order to achieve this aim, we are going to provide you with a vegetarian meal plan prepared by nutrition experts at Get My Mettle through this blog. In addition, we will also lay out a vegetarian keto meal plan for you and your family. Stay glued to this write-up till you finish reading it to get a holistic vegetarian diet plan for weight loss.

Vegetables: -

Vegetables have a low calorie content and are high in water, fibre and nutrients. They make you feel full for a long time and can help reduce hunger in between meals.

Filling your plate with nutrient rich vegetables is one of the best things you can do to keep your weight in control and protect against disease. A diet that includes plenty of vegetables can also lower the risk of chronic health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

Studies that explore the relationship between vegetable intake and weight outcomes have found that those who consume more vegetables experience less weight gain. In fact, a study which tracked individuals over 10 years found that those who consumed four or more servings of vegetables per day had an 82% reduced risk of gaining weight compared to those who consumed less than two servings. 


Legumes provide a protein punch, plus soluble fiber and a low glycemic index. Studies have shown that a diet high in legumes can decrease weight gain and promote a healthy weight.

The investigators in this study used a large sample size of adults that represented the general population, using two 24-hr dietary recall assessments. They also controlled for a number of potential confounding variables.

The researchers found that those who ate a moderate or high amount of legumes had lower 10-year percent weight change, and had lower BMI and waist-to-height ratios than those who ate little or no legumes. The study authors suggest that legumes might contribute to these benefits by providing a sense of fullness and suppressing hunger, as well as reducing inflammation and metabolic abnormalities. Be sure to soak and rinse dried beans, and rinse canned legumes before cooking. A basic legume salad can be as simple as mixing together cooked lentils, black-eyed peas, or chickpeas with chopped herbs, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper.


Nuts have a high-protein and dietary fiber content, which promote feelings of fullness. Moreover, they have healthy fats and can be a great alternative to more sugary convenience snacks. A small serving of nuts is also known to increase fat metabolism. However, one must remember that nuts are calorie-dense and should be consumed in moderation.

Nut lovers should try to choose unsalted varieties to avoid excess sodium intake. They should try to incorporate them into meals or use them as a snack to keep hunger at bay between meals.

While many people assume that eating nuts leads to weight gain, they can actually aid in weight loss when paired with a balanced diet and regular exercise. This is because the majority of nuts are made up of healthy fats, which help in satiety and reduce appetite and cravings. In addition to this, they are a great source of vitamin E and magnesium.


Seeds are powerhouses of nutrients, adding texture and flavour to food. They are also high in fibre, antioxidants, minerals and fatty acids that can help aid weight loss.

Among the best seeds for weight loss are chia seeds, flaxseeds, and sunflower seeds. These seeds are packed with fibre and healthy fats that keep you feeling full for longer, reducing the urge to snack between meals. They also support metabolism and stabilise blood sugar levels, reducing sugar cravings and overeating.

These seeds are also rich in protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair and helps reduce hunger. They contain a variety of nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin E, which promote heart health and boost energy levels. They can be eaten raw or toasted for added flavour. However, they should be consumed in moderation to avoid excessive weight gain. Moreover, it is important to consult a medical professional before trying any new supplement or diet plan.


Dairy may seem like an off-limits food group when you're trying to lose weight. However, recent research has found that dairy foods, such as yogurt and cheese, don't promote weight gain and may even help you shed fat.

The protein in dairy helps you feel full and can decrease your hunger levels. This can help you cut back on overall calorie intake and support your weight loss goals.

Incorporate low-fat dairy into your meals to get the benefits. Try mixing yogurt with berries, adding cheese to your salad or starting your day with eggs and a veggie scramble.

The vegetarian recipes in this meal plan are lower in added sugar and refined carbohydrates and rich in fiber, plant-based proteins, complex carbs and healthy fats from whole foods. They're also high in calcium, iron and vitamin B12. For more healthy recipes, check out the other meal plans available from the Mayo Clinic Diet:


Eating a variety of foods from the five food groups, including legumes, nuts and seeds, fruits and dairy is essential to achieve healthy weight. If you are not meeting the recommended number of serves from these groups, then making small changes to your diet can help.

For example, if you choose to add extra vegetables, fruit and/or low-fat dairy to your day, then the additional nutrients will support your weight loss. If you are unsure of what to include in your meals, then you can find many recipes and meal ideas in the WLR recipe database and calorie count them with our free food diary.

The egg diet, also known as the boiled egg diet, is a low-calorie meal plan that includes eggs at each of three daily meals along with nonstarchy vegetables and lean protein, such as fish or chicken. The diet is high in protein, which promotes satiety and may contribute to weight loss.


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