What is Raw Whey Protein? It’s Preparation, Consumption, and Benefits.

What is Raw Whey Protein? It’s Preparation, Consumption, and Benefits.

Read to this blog to know more about raw whey protein, it’s variants, benefits, and consumption habits. We will be also be shedding some time over various whey products and their comparative study.

Protein powders are gaining popularity globally due to their added benefits which promotes muscle building. Protein is a vital nutrient which is required for the overall growth of the body. It also helps to build and repair muscles and tissues which boosts the production of hormones and enzymes. Protein supplements are beneficial for Fitness trainers, bodybuilders, and regular Gym-goers.

About Raw Whey Protein

Whey (pronounced as WAY) is one of the two main proteins in milk.

Two major proteins found in milk are Casein and Whey. The cloudy, yellowish liquid which separates from cheese curds during the cheese-making process is called Whey. The solidified and filtered form of this liquid whey is called Raw whey protein.

Whey is used as an ingredient in muscle-building products by fitness companies because of its high-quality protein. Research has demonstrated that a well-timed protein supplement following a workout can enhance muscle growth.

What are the Benefits of Raw Whey Protein?

1. Muscle growth and maintenance

Protein is the key factor in muscle growth and maintenance of the same.  Since whey protein is rich in leucine (an amino acid), it can benefit those trying to build lean muscle mass and helps decrease body fat. Exercise results in both protein breakdown and protein growth, ample amounts of protein is required to result in a positive net balance of protein after exercise.

2. Whey protein is simpler

One of the most obvious raw whey is its simplicity. It’s a quick option to replenish lost protein because it can be easily transported and digested by our body. The powder does not even need to be refrigerated also it is easy to measure and mix simply with water or add to a smoothie, yogurt, oatmeal, or other liquid.

3. Reduces Muscle Fatigue

For healthy and active people, whey protein enhances their performance and their ability to build and maintain lean muscle mass. Consumption of whey protein after exercise increases protein synthesis and glucose uptake for glycogen synthesis in the muscles. Glycogen is the thing that stores the energy in the muscles and makes them dense. Whey protein benefits the muscles by ensuring adequate glycogen is stored for them to perform better and retard the fatigue ness.

4. Cut down on Unhealthy Snacks

Protein helps slow down the process of digestion, which increases satiety. When a carbohydrate source is paired with protein, it keeps you feeling fuller for longer and helps you cut down on unhealthy snacking habits.

Whey Concentrate, Isolate, and Hydrolysate: what are all these?

These are all forms of processed whey protein. Due to different processing techniques whey is found in various forms. They have different nutrition profiles and one of them might be more effective than others based on your goals.

Whey Concentrate

Whey concentrate is yielded by continuous filtration of the whey. The concentrate contains the lowest percentage of protein compared to isolate and hydrolysate because it undergoes the minimum amount of processing.

The benefit of this form is its cost-effectiveness against those with greater processing. A good quality concentrate contains around 75% protein per serving.

Whey Isolate

Isolate can contain up to 95% of protein per serving. It’s produced when whey concentrate is further purified with advanced processing techniques that remove fat, and lactose content. Hence, the Raw whey protein isolate is purer with lower fat and calories.

What is whey hydrolysate?

Whey hydrolysate is also called a ‘pre-digested’ whey isolate. Hydrolysate form is produced when whey is broken down into smaller peptides, that are more rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. The has an extremely high absorption rate with maximum concentration of whey.

Buy Alpha Whey Protein

The nutritional difference between Raw whey protein VS Whey Protein (per 30g)
  Processed Whey Protein Raw Whey Protein
Whey Protein 25g – 28g 22g-24g
Calories 110 Kcal 128 Kcal
Digestion Faster Slower
Leucine 2176mg-2341mg 2100mg
Cost Costly Economic
Refined Multiple methods Not refined
Flavors Available Unavailable

Recommended Raw Whey Protein dose

For maintaining muscle, the recommended intake of it is in the range of 1.4 – 2.0 g/kg body weight has been shown to be sufficient in those who regularly exercise. The lower band of this range is for endurance athletes needing adequate carbs throughout their workouts, while the higher end is useful when also trying to lose weight while preserving lean mass. Guidelines encourage athletes to choose proteins that are easily digestible with all of the essential amino acids, which is a key benefit of Raw whey protein.

What is the right time to take Whey Protein?

Post-workout protein intake is key for rebuilding muscle, meanwhile it is also important to include protein throughout the day. While food sources are useful at mealtimes and protein supplementation are a way of making sure protein intake is met. It is an easy and convenient way for people to boost their protein intake without consuming extra carbohydrates and fat.

Check out Our Raw Whey Protein Made by Swasthum Wellness Pvt. Ltd.


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